May 16
If men could get pregnant
“She glances down at the members of Parliament strolling in across the pea-green carpet below. Suits, bald heads, and shoes shinier than mirrors. The men who never in their lives had to worry about getting pregnant, dying in childbirth, or trying to access an abortion within their own restrictive system.” Looking for Jane, Heather Marshall (p140)
Indeed. If men could get pregnant– That might have been the single most thing that would have changed everything …
May 01
8 Handy Tricks Women Can Use To Beat Trans Athletes
Delightful post at the Babylon Bee:
Apr 27
Of Boys and Men, Richard. V. Reeves – Quotes and Notes
Reeves quotes Kristof and WuDunn about the recent trend (which started in the 2010s): “Men in particular felt the loss not only of income but also of dignity that accompanied a good job.” from Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (p62)
Poor babies. Need I point out that women would not have felt that loss because they so often didn’t have an income in the first place or the dignity that accompanied a good job.
“Men are much more likely to commit suicide than women.” (p63)
Yeah. They are the weaker sex. And now, without the propping up a sexist advantage and priority, they are falling down.
I’ll add that my bet is that many a woman would’ve killed herself but for the kids she’d made and felt responsible for. Guess that doesn’t apply to men.
“Womanhood is defined more by biology, manhood more by social construction.” (p96)
What? Since when?
“This is why masculinity tends to be more fragile than femininity.” (p96)
I doubt that’s the reason. I’d point my finger at the fragile male ego? (Though yeah, I suppose it’s fragile only when idiot men accept that social construction.)
“When was the last “crisis in femininity”? That’s right: never.” (p96)
Um. Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique? Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch? The whole frickin’ second wave of feminism?
[about the term ‘toxic masulinity’] “It is a bad idea to send a cultural signal to half the population that there may be something intrinsically wrong with them.” (p108)
Ya think? (How clueless can Reeves be to women’s history?)
“Half of American men and almost a third of women (30%) now think that society ‘punishes men just for acting like men’ …” (p108).
Well, if the shoe fits. (And what, society hasn’t punished women for being female for, like, forever?)
“Masculinity is not a pathology. … It is, quite literally, a fact of life.” (p108)
Could be both.
And from p150 on, Reeves’ proposals for getting more men into health, education, administration, literacy … They’ve always been in the first three, in the upper tiers. Regardless, Reeves, you’re about fifty years behind. Those of us against sexism said all this and more back in the 70s. Ever year of John Stoltenberg (Refusing to be a Man)? Robert Jensen (The End of Patriarchy)? Apparently not. They’re not even in his index of names. Not even Marlo Thomas’ “Free to be (you and me)”?
My overall response? ‘Been there, said that, you weren’t listening, and now you think you’re hot shit for saying it’.
Typical man.
Apr 12
Eggs and Chicken and Abortion

(thanks to Dead Wild Roses
Mar 26
from Decisions and Dissents of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – quotes and notes
When will there be enough women on the Supreme Court?
Her answer: When there are nine.
“[L]egal challenges to undue restrictions on abortion procedures … center on a woman’s autonomy to determine her life’s course, and thus to enjoy equal citizenship stature …” Gonzales v. Carhart
[She wasn’t pleased with the argument of Roe v Wage b/c it focused on privacy instead of autonomy]
“[T]he ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives …” Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey
Put that way, rape should be mentioned as well as access to contraception and abortion (though it’s irrelevant to the case, I get that).
“The Court’s hostility to the right Roe and Casey secured is not concealed. Throughout, the opinion refers to obstetrician-gynecologists and surgeons who perform abortions not by the titles of their medical specialties, but by the pejorative label ‘abortion doctor’. A fetus is described as an ‘unborn child’ and a as a ‘baby’, second-trimester, previability abortions are referred to as ‘late-term’ and the reasons medical judgments of highly trained doctors are dismissed as ‘preferences’ motivated by ‘mere convenience’.” Gonzales v. Carhart
Indeed. The power of words. The importance of word choices.
“The pedestal upon which women have been placed has all too often, upon closer inspection, been revealed as a cage.” Reed v. Reed
I like that. Well-put.
“The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. … When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices. Abortion prohibition by the State … controls women and denies them full autonomy and full equality with men.” Ginsburg at her Senate Confirmation Hearing, July 21, 1993
Love it.