Great bit from wwomenwwarriors


“It is my judgement in these things that when you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it, and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb. I don’t think anybody opposed making it; there was some doubt about what to do with it after it was made.” Robert “Oppie” Oppenheimer

Shit like ^^^^ THAT will send a woman reeling if we have to really think about it, but the truth is that shit like that is patriarchy in a nutshell, and there is nowhere to run. Patriarchy is global, pervasive, in our beds and in our minds. The part that sends me right over the edge is this: “I don’t think anybody opposed making it.” REALLY? Did you ask WOMEN? Oh, RIGHT we are NOBODY. Whoops, keep forgetting that detail. So basically we’re in the trunk of a car with the kids, Windex and gloves (cleaning it) and the driver is drunk, headed towards a cliff, and he won’t even at least let us drive so we’ll get to hell safely, cause he says we’re incapable of driving. 

Oh my Goddess, my head explodes. 

“There was some doubt about what to do with it after it was made.” Okay, dude, you’re just trolling us now. Please, for the love of all women’s sanity, do not suggest that on TOP of all this, you do not know why you built an atomic bomb. Even the ants know why men built an atomic bomb and what will be done with it. The purpose of a bomb is to blow shit up. That is the only reason for making a bomb. THE ONLY ONE. 

Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN! (reblogged)

And here it is (in case it disappears):

I’m a feminazi. I laugh at men, but not at their stupid jokes. I want to take away their porn—erm, sorry, I mean “free speech.” I won’t fuck them or flirt with them. I don’t find them interesting. I think they look like mutants. I hate…I hate…

Let’s talk about hate.

Men have raped me, not once, not twice, not three times…Turns out they did this to most women. And I’ve been a whore, that young woman who couldn’t afford food until she found some sweet guy who offered to put his dick in my ass in exchange for groceries. Drink. Drink enough and you can do it too.

Men, when I leave my house, will always do one of these things: harass me on the street, ogle me up and down with a rapey stare, or crash into me on the sidewalk. Hey, have you noticed that when women walk past men, women move out of his way? Yup. I call this cute game “dodge asshole,” but some women would more aptly call this “make way for your master.”

The hairy man is telling me again that I’m a hairy lesbian because I have body hair in all the same places that he does, minus the beard. Now the mutant guy is telling me I look like a man because I don’t plaster my face with chemical colors—suddenly I look like human being, not a clown. My ass is too big, says this boyfriend. No, I like juicy asses and your nice “budunkadunk,” says that boyfriend. No, it’s too small, said another boyfriend. They all liked my mind: intelligence is sexy. One wanted to fuck my brain, he said. He wanted to fuck me unconscious, he said. No matter what, I am some man’s kinky fetish, and he’ll let me know. The last one, my employer, said that I’m a butch lesbian (or did he say bull dyke?) and he finds that sexy—he’ll get down my pants, he promised. Oh, hey, thanks boss! Now I can quit my job in a recession and struggle to pay the bills again or put up with this shit. (I bet all this stuff happens to men all the time—daily, like it does to me). Maybe I can find some sweet guy to stick his dick in my ass again if I lose this job—my boss says my feminism is FAR too radical because I refuse to fuck him.

Did I mention the boyfriend who tried to kill me for not being a virgin, or the 31-year-old who locked me in a closet when I was 16 for trying to leave him? Did I tell you about the oodles of Nice Guys giving me great advice: “then why’d you stay with him?” Let’s repeat this again: one tried to kill me, and the other locked me in a closet for trying to leave him. He told me if I left, he’d kill me. Why didn’t I just leave him? Better question: how did you manage to be alive today? You’d better recognize. I’m a high-functioning “dodge asshole” machine by now. Throw me a man with a bat, a rapist, a groper, a creepy boss. Throw me a sadist, a pervert, a john, or a pedophile. I dodge that shit like magic.

Freud says this is all because I want to fuck my dad. My ex-shrink said it’s cause I have too much trauma, that’s why (why are the rapists never in therapy, only the raped?) God says this is all cause I do not worship him and his son. You know what that guy on the internet just said? He said it’s cause I’m just like Hitler.

Yeah, let’s go there too, then.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Lenin, wait wait! Just look at this list of dictators and tyrants. All men. Where it says “regime type” I want to edit and put: patriarchy. I laugh in men’s faces. Obviously it’s just like killing 20 million people. I’m such a feminazi.

And then the army they send you: All men or almost all men. You know what armies of men do to the women in the territories they invade? Well, do you? Don’t play stupid now. Everyone knows this.

9/11: Was it Al Qaeda or an inside job? You know who it was for sure. It was men.

Every school shooting ever: Men.

Throwing acid in women’s faces: Men again.

Stoning women to death: that’s the menz.

Kidnapping brides: Men.

Rape rape rape rape rape RAAAAAPE: Men.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Men built nuclear weapons, men started that war, men dropped those nukes.

Why are women 70% of the people living in poverty globally? Well, then, who has all the money? That’s men again.

And 30% of women globally are beaten or sexually assaulted; that’s a lot of PTSD. Freud, I think I have found the penis you were always going on about: men did this.

Al Qaeda: Men

The Muslim Brotherhood: Men.

The Government of the United States until wild women protested: Rich, white, landowning men who could read. Did you know that these men gave the right to vote to all former slave men before they gave this right to “free” women?

Let’s talk about who really is on top in this world: Men.

Who’s really on top in bed: Men. Yes, I just went there. They’re fucking us unconscious.

And I hate them.

I want to stop their wars and take away their guns. I want to stop their rape and take away their porn. I want to stop their hegemony and take away their seats in all governments globally. Because they can’t handle it. They just bomb everything, rape everyone, and then hoard loads of trees with numbers written on them so that they can exchange them for toys. For fucking toys. There is nothing else that much money will buy, and goddess knows you cannot buy divinity, though they try. People are dying of starvation and I see them—these men with their flattened, painted trees—whipping out cash to buy the latest iPhone, assembled courtesy of the global proletariat in a factory in a third world country, plastic extracted from our mother Earth to create this little electronic contraption, cause we need more shit. That’s what we need. More random shit while others starve. Who organized this fucking system? Men again!

And what about my sisters? What the hell happened to women? Where were we? You mean to tell me this whole shit situation was created by penis-having dudebros? The wars. The poverty. The inequality. The exploitation of the planet. The countless broken souls because they have been violated in some way. Yeah, men created this system. Women, since patriarchy took hold, were hanging on by a thread. We tried to revolt a few times and were given the male treatment: rape, murder, imprisonment. All patriarchal societies, historically, had excessively more laws on their books regarding what women could and could not do than they did for males. For example, women couldn’t leave the house here, and women couldn’t own property there, and women didn’t even have NAMES there, but were just called “jacob’s-woman” for example. How lovely! Then over there, women were literally and legally slaves—every single one of them, and their “husbands” (ehem, owners) had the right to chop off their body parts and sell them. Their husbands were allowed to legally murder them. Didn’t women revolt? One such example of women not obeying this shit is The Burning Times. Female genocide—femicide—was the result. Thanks to femicide, there are 50 million women missing on this planet just right now, not counting history. Makes us easier to dominate when our numbers are reduced. We’ll be here all day and I’ll vomit if I continue, but here is our herstory.

Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN!

Let me tell you about the part of me that longs for total liberation as a human being and doesn’t think men have this plan for me and my sisters. Let me tell you about how this evil feminazi laughs in their faces when they call me a bitch. Let me tell you about my traitor ways: I will not have sex with them. I will not touch them. I do not trust them. When I walk out my door, and another one comes rubbing up on me, cooing into my ear, trying to get the hairy, make-up free radical feminist to fuck him, I want to pummel his face with my fist. The rage of a cat backed into a corner. Cause I know what men do, what they are, what they have done throughout patriarchal history. I know they erased the records, and only now are we digging up the truth. We’re finding out that god used to be a woman, a Goddess, and she didn’t think women should obey their husbands. Oh, contraire! We used to have peaceful matriarchies all over the world!

And I laugh. I laugh and I laugh and I laugh because I am too tired to explain this again and again and again.

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” – Margaret Atwood

Read some herstory. Read some herstory. Read some herstory. And while you’re at it, have a long hard look at the news. This is our point in time on that patriarchal timeline of hell on Earth. Our generation is the continuation of that horrific tale.

Then you can tell me what hate looks like.

“For women, getting angry is socially unacceptable, even when the anger is over violence, discrimination, misogyny, and other forms of oppression. Anger is unacceptable because angry women are women in touch with their passion and power, especially in relation to men, which threatens the entire patriarchal order. It’s unacceptable because it forces men to confront the reality of male privilege and women’s oppression and their involvement in it, even if only as passive beneficiaries. Women’s anger challenges men to acknowledge attempts to trivialize oppression with “I was only kidding.” And women’s anger is unacceptable to men who look to women to take care of them, to prop up their need to feel in control, and to support them in their competition with other men. When women are less than gracious and good-humored about their own oppression, men often feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, at a loss, and therefore vulnerable.” – Allan G. Johnson

And when you say, “Why do you spend so much time being angry like this? Why don’t you be more positive. Don’t think about such sad things.”

Yeah, I will remember that when it’s you being raped. When it’s you being beaten. When it’s you who hasn’t enough to eat and are joining the global women in poverty. I’ll remember that your recommendation was apathy.

No. Instead I’ll remember when women were warriors. We are warriors.

“So how do you manage to stay sane with all this on your mind?”

I don’t. That’s the simple truth. I’m a little bit disturbed all of the time, and extremely horrified the rest of the time—I’m awake to see that the world is a fucking madhouse.

Peace and tranquility is found when I am with my sisters, only my sisters. This is why female-only space is forbidden. That’s where we recharge, get our strength. That’s where women help each other, lend a hand, lift each other up.

Loving women is the most hateful thing you can do to men.

And never forget:


The Male Privilege Checklist

Check it out.

Thanks to Francois Tremblay.

“Unbelievable” on Netflix


A feminism-informed examination of rape from point of view of police (female) and, to some extent, victims (as interviewed).

Single series drama with eight episodes.

Passes the Bechdel test (and more) with FLYING COLOURS!!!

Yeah. Women are afraid of thunder.

Fuck you very much Utne Reader

Yeah. What she said.

Postscript to 13 Reasons Why

In case anyone’s still watching 13 Reasons Why (and see my lengthy post at … Tyler’s getting raped is presented as SO MUCH WORSE than either Jessica or Hannah getting raped. OF COURSE.

Opposition to the practice of sexual intercourse

“Interestingly, these two women, Swiney and Elmy, made clear their opposition to the practice of sexual intercourse. This practice has become so sacred that it is almost impossible to imagine any serious challenge being made to it. What we have seen in the last hundred years is the total and compulsory enforcement of that sexual practice upon women so that women are allowed absolutely no outlet or escape from it.

“But at the end of the nineteenth century, there were feminists who were prepared to challenge intercourse. They were prepared to say, for instance, that it was dangerous for women’s health; that it led to unwanted pregnancies or forced women to use forms of technology, contraception, that reduced them simply to objects for men’s use; that it humiliated women and made them into things. Feminists pointed out that sexual diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse were dangerous to women’s lives. They felt sexual intercourse to be a humiliating practice because it showed men’s dominance more obviously than anything else. They believed that this practice should take place only for the purposes of reproduction, maybe every three or four years. I know these are ideas which if you voiced them today would make people think that you had taken leave of your senses. But these were ideas that were absolutely mainstream [at the time]…”

from “Sexology and Antifeminism,” Sheila Jeffreys (italics mine), in The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice G. Raymond, eds.

Top Guns

I just read about the 588th Night Bomber Regiment of the Soviet Air Force, consisting of pilots who “flew in stealth mode at night and dropped precision bombs on German targets.  The women pilots were all in their late teens and early twenties, and they flew about 30,000 missions between 1941 and 1945.”  (p89 Kristen R. Ghodsee, Why women have better sex under socialism and other arguments for economic independence, p.89).

History, the News, Men, Women, Life, Death, Joy, Pain

History, many say, is nothing but violence, war, death …

Yes, because men write it.

If women wrote history, maybe we’d put something else center stage.  Maybe themselves.

And maybe if all that violence didn’t make the front page, there’d be less of it.

And if men became unimportant, then what they did would become unimportant.

But pain, death—it can’t help but be important.

Yes, but there’s been more birth than death.

More joy than pain?

Perhaps.  What I feel when I’m out paddling, the sparkles on the lake, the music in my headphones, it’ll never make the news.  For others, it’s the delight of a child’s giggle.  For others still, the swell of new knowledge gained or an antique restored.  These things do not make the news. 

(But how powerful a new car is?  That makes the news.  Every fucking day.)

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