Jun 20
Gender Fraud: a fiction – new novel – review copies available!

I hope that ‘gender recognition’ legislation, which reveals a failure to differentiate between sex and gender and, with respect to sex, a denial of the definitive role of chromosomes, will soon be repealed.
I fear that this horror story will take its place.
Review copies (free) are available (obligating you merely to CONSIDER writing a review; you may decide not to). Please send requests to ptittle7@gmail.com (indicating your preference — pdf, epub, or mobi).
Jun 11
It’s not poverty, stupid.
Poverty is not the cause of crime. Because even when men have enough, they steal more, kill for more.
(Think of all those rich white CEOs running our planet, managing the banks, the oil companies, the logging companies …)
(And given that well over 90% of crime is committed by men, well, the cause should be obvious: maleness and/or masculinity.)
Jun 11
Brilliant Sarkeesian
“In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team. They’re the ball.” Anita Sarkeesian
Jun 03
This is what happens – new feminist novel by chris wind – review copies available
Here’s the blurb:
How is it that the girl who got the top marks in high school ends up, at fifty, scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets for minimum wage, living in a room above Vera’s Hairstyling, in a god-forsaken town called Powassan?
Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them, “We need to know how patriarchy works. We need to know how women disappear….” Indeed we do. Where are all the straight-A girls from high school? Why, how, have they ‘disappeared’? Marriage and kids is an inadequate answer because married-with-kids straight-A boys (of which, let’s acknowledge, there are fewer) are visible. Everywhere. Even the straight-B boys are out there. This is what happens responds to Spender’s urgent comment.
Review copies are available; contact chriswind3@gmail.com.
May 25
Why are cosmetics routinely sold in pharmacies?
That’s it. That’s my post. Any answers out there?
May 24
Brilliant bit from Rageagainstthemanchine
“Not to bring up Robert Jensen every three sentences, but he’s made a point that I find extremely salient when it comes to how porn affects women’s lives. If I have to go to court tomorrow, or I have to go discuss my career with my boss, or I have to work on a project at work or school with men, or I have to deal with a cop, or I have to rely in any way on a man in a position of authority to treat me fairly, shouldn’t it worry me to think he might have been watching a film the night before in which a woman has her head shoved into a toilet while someone uses her like a piece of toilet paper? I know some of you may say that the authority figure in question probably wouldn’t be equating me with the woman he jerked off to the night before, but can someone really suspend their sense of empathy long enough to jerk off to an image like that and then see me as an equal human being the next day? Doubtful. And men get together every day to make decisions that affect women’s lives. Men decide whether to promote women, whether to give them raises, whether to hire them, whether to take their claims of sexual harassment seriously, whether to pass a law that hurts or harms their rights to equal pay for equal work, safe and effective health care, etc. “
May 09
Impact – review copies available!

Impact presents an extended confrontation between a sexual assault victim and her assailants, as part of an imagined slightly revised court process, in order to understand why they did what they did and, on that basis, to make a recommendation to the court regarding sentence. It does not go … as expected.
REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE. Please inquire: ptittle7@gmail.com