What if one day, all of the women suddenly disappeared, leaving the men to take their places, fill their roles, do what they did. What would happen? How would the men react?
Here and now, women’s subordination is so systemic it’s unremarkable (to all but serious feminists). In It Wasn’t Enough, once women are gone and men have to take their places, fill their roles, the subordination becomes remarkable—that is, it becomes noticeable. And then—what would happen?
Magenta 2020
Interview by D. Sohi at Speculate This here.
Interview by Vaishnavi Sundar and Shefali Sequeira at 4W here.
If you’d like an ebook version, it’s available in Kindle, Kobo, NookBook, and iBook, but you can download it as an epub or pdf right here! For free. (And here’s why.)
(If you’d like the paperback version, best to purchase online–such as at amazon, barnesandnoble, bookdepository, bookshop, etc.–where you can get a deal on the shipping.)
“Unlike far too many novels, this one will make you think, make you uncomfortable, and then make you reread it.” C. Osborne, moonspeaker.ca
“I bought [It Wasn’t Enough] today and just finished reading it (I couldn’t stop btw). It’s amazing, powerful, sad, devastating, funny, angering … and I wish everyone could read it.” Anonymous by request
“I absolutely enjoyed it. There were times when I was thinking “there’s no way this would happen” but then I’d check the references at the back and sure enough there it was.” S. Rean
“This book is powerful.” Alexandra, Goodreads 4/5 stars
“The mood of the book reminded me of Jose Saramago’s Blindness with its dystopian panic and reorganisation of social norms. … Tittle’s book hits you hard …” D. Sohi, Goodreads 4/5
“Do you like books that make you analyse and question things? I truly do and for that reason I want to thank Peg Tittle for giving me the opportunity to read and review her latest release It Wasn’t Enough, a powerful and introspective dystopia, that depicts a kind of apocalyptic world without women.
“First of all, I’d like you to imagine how the world would be like if one day all the women disappeared from the face of the earth. And because that thought was so intriguing I got hooked to this book from the first two sentences and it didn’t disappoint me. …
“Is It Wasn’t Enough a bit dark? Yes, but dark is also the reality we live in. It is dystopian analysis that digs deeply into the core of humankind. We are led to understand why we act/don’t act in certain ways and to see many faults our society has. I do hope there will be a sequel. It is a book I truly recommend for a book club as the discussions could be endless. It wasn’t Enough is short, concise but very moving. I would also like to know a man’s take on this book.” Mesca Elin, Goodreads 5/5 stars
“It Wasn’t Enough [is] a smallish book, punching well above its weight, and straight in the gut. ….
“This reviewer read the book from cover to cover in one afternoon, pulled inexorably along by the readable style and careful pacing. The reviewer then spent a long time staring at a wall, recovering from the free-fall, hurtling journey, coming to the conclusion that this book must be read..
“This book is essential reading to anyone, man or woman, who has ever wondered what our future would look like when the wheels are already coming off in the present.
“This is not the sort of book one reads in a lounger by the pool. It is hard, it minces no words. Women will see their lives. Men will see their crimes. Whether they will learn from this mirror remains to be seen.” Shefali Sequeira, 4w
“I wasn’t too sure what to expect when I first was getting into this book. I had never read a book by this author and I have found that books about feminism are either very good or very bad, there doesn’t seem to be an in-between. I was very pleased to see that this book was one of the ones that was very, very good. …
“As someone who had a minor in Sociology in college, it was interesting to see all of the facts and figures of what the true impact really is, if one day there wasn’t a woman anywhere on the planet. …
“I liked that it easily and simply explained the object of feminism. It isn’t looking to make sure that women are better than men, but that it’s about equality. This was a really interesting and quick read for me, and I would definitely recommend it to people who are interested in sociology, psychology, or feminism.” Jesse Presgraves, Infinite Pages Book Reviews, 5/5 stars
“Classic Peg Tittle. A plethora of food for thought, especially for men …” James Fisher, Goodreads