Category: Uncategorized

Why won’t misogyny die?

Because believing you’re better simply because you’re male is, like believing you’re better simply because your skin is white, the only way to high(er) status that doesn’t depend on actually doing something.

Toddler vs Male CEO

Great list by Justine Cotter at McSweeney’s:

“Are You a Parent of a Toddler or an Assistant to a Male CEO of a Tech Startup?”

Three Rules, Phyllis Chesler

Three Rules:

  • The measure of your success is the resistance you encounter. Embrace it.
  • You can’t be a bystander without being complicit.
  • We don’t need a room of our own. We need a very large continent of our own.

Read the whole piece at

And there it is again … this time in Rob Grant’s Colony

And there it is again, this time in Rob Grant’s Colony: the belief that babies just … happen (they’re brought by a stork or found in a cabbage patch, perhaps?).

“Everyone finally agrees that global warming is a serious problem, now they’re up to their necks in water.  And as the land masses shrink, as …

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Pat Murphy’s story “Motherhood”

well worth the read and at lightspeed <>

Theresa Searcaigh – great point about banning abortion

great line from David Brin’s Earth

David Brin, Earth

“Honestly … I just couldn’t be interested in a man so egotistical he insists, in a world of ten billion people, that his genes are desperately needed.”  (p120)

(and so much else … a novel worth reading, for sure.)

The Evil of Touchpads: Menus

I recently rented a cottage on the Bruce Peninsula and found myself infuriated by the tiny device to control the smart tv: to search for a specific movie in Netflix, you had to swipe across and across and across, back and forth, to move the cursor along the alphabet arranged in a long 26-characterer single …

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“Straight White Male: the lowest difficulty setting” – a brilliant metaphor by John Scalzi

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

If I’d read this before I wrote Jess, I certainly would have mentioned Scalzi’s metaphor and given huge applause and thanks to him for it! (Actually, I might not have written Jess, because Scalzi’s metaphor achieves the same purpose with such … economy.)

The piece is …

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Kathleen Stock, Material Girls – a few quotes and notes

“So: it follows from the logic of [Judith] Butler’s worldview [social constructionism] not only that there are not two naturally pre-given, stable biological sexes, but also that there are no pre-given facts about natural selection.  There is no sexual reproduction.  There are no pre-given chemical elements or biological species.  There is no climate change, at …

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