Category: Uncategorized
Jan 10
This should be required reading …
This should be required reading for all girls when they become able to reproduce and for all young women who think they want kids (probably because of tv and their friends who are similarly deluded about what will happen).
Sep 19
Boys will be Boys¸ Clementine Ford
so many choice bits … and this is just a small percentage of what I’ve underlined in my copy …
“…how wonderful it was that men had now increased the time they spent with their children to up to forty minutes a day! Well, hell, let’s have a fucking parade.” p7
“A basement dweller getting …
Aug 25
There must be a disconnect.
I live on a lake in a forest in mid-northern Ontario. It’s bad enough that people come here to kill animals they have no need to kill, in often painful ways, which they do every weekend all summer long, when the animals are struggling as it is, given what we’ve done to their homes and …
Aug 24
Fight Like a Girl, Clementine Ford – quotes and notes
“Behind every well-respected man, there’s a woman who probably does his washing [laundry].” p103
“Why is it that men who prioritise adventure and independence over family are called ‘committed bachelors’ and ‘wanderers’ who just can’t be tied down, but women who similarly pursue a life free form burdens are called ‘spinsters’ and ‘cat ladies’ …
Aug 07
notes and quotes from Victoria Smith’s Hags
“… equivalent numbers of middle-aged men are not getting themselves treated in order to look less angry, aggressive, or miserable.” p49
“When female bodies deviate from the paths set by male ones, this is till treated as a design flaw … We need different ways of organizing education, work, and relationships to accommodate specifically female …
Jun 11
Covering Viagra, but not contraception
“In response to the “informed consent” bill the Kentucky House passed on January 28th, which requires women to consult a doctor–by video conference or in person–at least 24 hours before having an abortion, Kentucky state representative Mary Lou Marzian proposed a rather tongue-in-cheek bill of her own: a law requiring women to approve their husband’s …
May 01
South Carolina’s Women’s Basketball Coach …
And another one!
May 01
After asking for preferred gender pronouns …
And another good one: