Category: transwomen

Real Men have Breasts

I guess if ‘REAL WOMEN HAVE DICKS’ then real men have breasts, right?

“When people say ‘trans women are women’…”

Jane Clare Jones on Transactivism: brilliantly funny

reposted from

Episode 1: The First War Begins. Scene 1: Cyberspace – probably around 2013

Trans activists: So hey, when we said we’d like you to treat us like women that wasn’t right, because actually, we ARE women and we demand that you treat us exactly like women because we are women and that you …

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On gender identity and changing your sex

Let’s say we are born with a gender identity.  Either

(1) it isn’t a binary, in which case there’s no need to change your sex to attain some sort of ‘fit’

(2) it is binary, but it doesn’t necessarily or always align with sex, in which case again there’s no need to change your sex, …

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“And I’ve had enough.” Speech by Sarah Field

“If you cannot define women, then you cannot defend them.”

“Its purpose [meeting of Leeds City Council] was not to tell Trans people what is best for them, but to tell politicians and lawmakers what is best for women.”

“And I’ve had enough.”

“So to be clear: men in this city can access a woman’s changing facility, …

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Transsexualism is a problem only because sexism is a problem

Transsexualism is a problem only because sexism is a problem.  (Transgenderism is no problem at all: females have been wearing pants and so on for ages, and there’s nothing preventing males from wearing dresses and so on.)

If being female didn’t put people at greater risk of sexual assault from males, it wouldn’t matter whether …

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When someone tells you transwomen aren’t really a problem…

A post by Namename over on Feminist Current:

We have already seen men demand access to female prisons and be given it (several countries), and on at least one occasion that has led to female prisoners being assaulted.

We have seen men insist on access to female rape shelters on several occasions (several countries), and …

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To the transwomen who insist they’re women …

If you believe sex isn’t binary, is a spectrum, why are you so insistent that you belong at the pole?  Why not just be a transwoman, someone between the poles of male and female, somewhere along the spectrum? Wouldn’t that make more sense?

At the female end, we have people who are XX, who …

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What harm does it do?

So I’ve received a 1/5 review of Gender Fraud: a fiction at Goodreads by someone claiming, basically, TERF!!! Expected. Sigh.

But the reviewer did ask a question that I should have been able to answer, which was ‘What harm does it do if a transwoman wants to call herself a woman?’

Well, here’s the …

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More censorship re trans …

Check it out –


WordPress censors GenderTrender; Gallus Mag responds.

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