Category: sexism

This is what happens – new feminist novel by chris wind – review copies available

Here’s the blurb:

How is it that the girl who got the top marks in high school ends up, at fifty, scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets for minimum wage, living in a room above Vera’s Hairstyling, in a god-forsaken town called Powassan?  

Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and …

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Brilliant bit from Rageagainstthemanchine

“Not to bring up Robert Jensen every three sentences, but he’s made a point that I find extremely salient when it comes to how porn affects women’s lives. If I have to go to court tomorrow, or I have to go discuss my career with my boss, or I have to work on a project …

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The Frightening Cluelessness of PoliSci Students

“I was studying political science at the time, so I had never thought about social processes like misogyny and sexism.”  What?  What?


It Wasn’t Enough (new feminist novel) – REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE

It Wasn't Enough

Review copies of It Wasn’t Enough, a new novel by Peg Tittle, are now available! Please inquire:

Here’s the blurb: What if one day, all of the women suddenly disappeared? Without what it is that women do, what it is that women are — what would happen?

The novel was inspired by a …

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Solo Women’s Invisible Economic Expenses

It really hit home when my father gave me twenty bucks for a pizza, his treat.  As if I were a teenager.  Instead of a 50-year-old woman with a mortgage to pay, property taxes,  and monthly bills for oil, electricity, phone, internet, tv, house insurance, car insurance…  Amazing.  He was sitting in my living room …

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Algorithms perpetuate sexism …

Check out this interview for a VERY enlightening (and scarey) interview about how algorithms are perpetuating sexism in its many, many, aspects:

Why algorithms aren’t working for women

Women Writing Science Fiction as Men — why bother?

I’ve just finished reading Mike Resnick’s collections Women Writing Science Fiction as Men and Men Writing Science Fiction as Women.  There were two rules for submissions to the anthologies: “First, each story had to be told in the first person of a man [woman]; and second, if changing the narrator from Victor to Victoria [or …

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Gwynne Dyer (along with half the species) misses an obvious point

I highly recommend Gwynne Dyer’s Climate Wars, but I must say he misses an obvious point, especially evident when he says “There are almost seven billion of us, and it is almost impossible to imagine a way that we can stop the growth before there are eight and a half billion” (p.268) — because it’s …

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“Office Help”

You can tell, when a job ad is titled that way, that they expect, or want, a woman.  Women help.  They don’t actually do a job, they just help someone else do a job.  So the someone else gets the credit.  And the big bucks and the benefits.  After all, you’re just helping out, you’re …

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Developing Authority and Being a Parent

I’m wondering whether it’s just me or…whether most women who never become mothers simply never develop an authoritative manner.  Men have it from the get go: they are automatically thought, by themselves as well as by others, to be authorities, and early on, they develop both the habit of telling others what to do and …

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