Category: sexism

If you can’t say anything nice, maybe there’s nothing nice to say. Say it anyway.

If you’re a woman, you’ve surely been told, reprimanded, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.’  To the extent that there may be nothing nice to say, that standard of politeness has crippled us.  It has made us keep our opinions to ourselves.

My neighbours have their tv on all the …

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The Authority Gap, Mary Ann Sieghart – A MUST READ

As I was reading this book, I realized right away I wanted to post about it, so I started making a list of bits to mention, but very quickly there were just too many!!  So – A MUST READ.  This book is FULL of all the stats you ever wanted to support your personal experience: …

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Open Season on Women: More evidence of the pornification of our society

I live in a small lake-centered community about three hours north of Toronto, consisting of about thirty houses: about ten are occupied year-round; the others are occupied mostly just during the summer.  So, small neighbourhood.

Over the past few years, I’ve experienced six instances of what I would call over-the-top insult.  Specifically misogynist insult.

Man …

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Proposed Official Men’s Volleyball Uniform – Equality in Sport

something fundamentally male about escaping to Mars…

“And there is something fundamentally male about this narrative of exit [establishing colonies on Mars, for example], of escape as a means toward the nobility of self-determination.  The cultural critic Sarah Sharma has argued for an understanding of exit as an exercise of patriarchal power, ‘a privilege that occurs at the expense of cultivating and …

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How to be Successful without Hurting Men’s Feelings, Sarah Cooper

A light fun read with a few great punches:

– re the perfect voice pitch for women … too high and you’re shrill, too low and you’re gruff, just right “not yet achieved by any woman”

– chap 2 – lots of ‘When a man says X, it’s Y, but when a woman says X, …

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The Sexual Politics of Meat – Carol J. Adams

Highly recommended. The title says it all.

Among a whole lot of ‘worth mentioning’, I’ll mention the reference to Irving Fisher’s study (p.43) involving meat-eating athletes, vegetarian athletes, and vegetarian non-athletes. Vegetarians, whether athletes or not, had the greatest endurance (as measured by three strength tests). “Even the maximum record of the flesh-eaters was barely …

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Where did all the good guys go?

Sometimes I feel like I haven’t grown up at all.  I didn’t get married; I didn’t have kids; I didn’t fall into any kind of career path.  Basically, I’m still doing what I did in my twenties: reading, writing, thinking, listening to music, and running/walking through the forest.  In short, my passions haven’t changed.

But …

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Reducing sexism: non-binary sex and sex-neutral language

That sex is binary makes sexism so easy. What if sex existed on a spectrum? 

But, you may reply, it doesn’t.  Contrary to so many transactivists, sex is a matter of biology, and you are either male or female; barring the exceptional, one has either XY chromosomes or XX chromosomes.

True, but saying that sex …

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December, Like It’s 1989

December, Like It’s 1989

Tell it.  Geneviève Bergeron, civil engineering  Hélène Colgan, mechanical engineering  Nathalie Croteau, mechanical engineering  Barbara Daigneault, mechanical engineering  Anne-Marie Edward, chemical engineering  Maud Haviernick, materials engineering  Maryse Laganière, finance department  Maryse Leclair, materials engineering  Anne-Marie Lemay, mechanical engineering  Sonia Pelletier, mechanical engineering  Michèle Richard, materials engineering  Annie St-Arneault, mechanical engineering  Annie Turcotte, materials engineering  Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, nursing.

“Hey, come on.  Not all men are like that, …

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