Category: sex

Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, Sheri Tepper

Although I read this fantastic novel years ago, I was recently reminded of it by Judith A. Little’s Feminist Philosophy and Science Fiction: utopias and dystopias. 

At the end of the novel, five options for human reproduction are presented:

  • Only partners for life will be able to reproduce, and only once every decade.
  • Parthenogenesis, …

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  • How many times?

    Men are incredibly selfish and irresponsible. Every time they have sexual intercourse without a condom, they prove it.

    Because every time they have sex without a condom, they risk making someone else’s life a living hell for twenty years (that’s what it’s like to be a parent against one’s will). All for ten minutes of …

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    Why Do Men Seek Arousal?

    So I’m reading Robert Jensen (Getting Off: Pornography and the end of masculinity), and he says porn is intended to provide sexual arousal.

    Sexual arousal? Not sexual satisfaction?

    If you’re not aroused in the first place, why would you intentionally try to get aroused?

    Because then you’ll just have to find a way to deal …

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    What’s wrong with being a slut?

    slut, n. Slovenly woman, slattern

    slovenly, a. Personally untidy or dirty, careless and lazy, or unmethodical

    slattern, n.  Sluttish woman

    Not what my mother meant when she called me a slut.  For whatever else I am, I am tidy, clean, careful, industrious, and methodical.  Quite methodical.  So just what did she mean?  I don’t know.  …

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    Sex and Gender Conflated

    I recently spent some time at another blog (someone had linked to one of my posts and invited me to the discussion), and I discovered that several of the discussants conflated gender and sex.  I was shocked.  (And in fact, that possibility so didn’t occur to me that I continued the surreal discussion for some …

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