Category: poetry

Fierce collection of feminist poetry

From one of our readers:

Amy Jean’s fierce, new collection of poetry Side Steps: Terrorizing Sound Bites Part 2 Some Things are Black and White peels back the ramifications of living in a male-dominated world. Her feminist poems release her anger and sadness at the chains that restrict her and other women. She realizes that …

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for my brother, a poem by Chris Wind

(for my brother)


with a grunt of irritation

you condescend to be interrupted

and move your chair back a bit

so i can crawl

under your desk

(the one dad built special for you

now that you’re at university)

so i can dust the baseboards

as is my job

(i’ve already done the rest …

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Miranda, by Chris Wind

from Soliloquies: the lady doth indeed protest, by Chris Wind




Why has she no mother? Why have I no mother? Nor Ophelia, Portia, Kate, Cordelia, Hermia, Indeed, none but Juliet? I’ll tell thee: ’Tis an obsession with the male. Consider Prospero, my good father, ‘The male as authority’— For ’tis to you, father, …

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a couple poems from UnMythed, by Chris Wind

from UnMythed, by Chris Wind




she unwraps the traditional gifts: first, the brush-comb-and-mirror set, pale pink marbling with gilded edges— they lie heavy in her hand; then the jewelry box, gold and cream lined with velvet— it plays “Fascination”

the new thirteen-year-old hands them back to her mother and says “Narcissus was a …

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Feminist Shakespeare, anyone?

Those of you interested in a feminist take on Shakespeare, chris wind’s Soliloquies: the lady doth indeed protest is free as an epub or pdf download at her site: