Category: movies

American Tragedy — Indeed.

So I watched American Tragedy (purporting to explain the American tragedy of school shooting) last night—actually I fast-forwarded through a lot because it was so superficial and, thus, boring, ignoring the elephants in the room.

1.  As soon as a boy enters puberty, his body goes into testosterone overload and almost overnight, he sees females …

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On rape and being drunk

So I watched “The Assault” (on peacock) last night … about a cheerleader who gets raped by the team … sigh … but there was something that really made me stop and think.  (Always a good thing.)

They claimed she consented, she was drunk/unconscious so even if she had consented, it would be considered invalid …

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Can’t decide which is more appalling …

While reading Laura Bates’ Men Who Hate Women, a scene from a movie based on a true story about a young woman who was captured by a man and kept imprisoned/enslaved by him for years popped into my head: at one point, she was allowed outside to help him wash his car or something and …

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Picard … Seriously?

So I watched Star Trek: Picard, wherein he saves the day, and the future, for the creation of synthetic life.  A surprising move for someone so … intelligent.

With respect to the creation of organic life …

1. We have not been able to control how many we create.  Our planet can comfortably sustain 2-3 …

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from Three, Annemarie Monahan

from Three, Annemarie Monahan

“How long did it take for you to realize that men as a class raped women as a class?”

“‘Women are just as bad as men.’ As bad as men? Tell me, if women act the same as men, where are the bodies piled? Where are the masses of men murdered …

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“Unbelievable” on Netflix


A feminism-informed examination of rape from point of view of police (female) and, to some extent, victims (as interviewed).

Single series drama with eight episodes.

Passes the Bechdel test (and more) with FLYING COLOURS!!!

Postscript to 13 Reasons Why

In case anyone’s still watching 13 Reasons Why (and see my lengthy post at … Tyler’s getting raped is presented as SO MUCH WORSE than either Jessica or Hannah getting raped. OF COURSE.

Mainstream and Alternative – misnomers!

So I was browsing the movie collection at my online DVD rental site and feeling so very tired and bored with movies by men, about men, for men.  My request list had dwindled to almost zero, and I wasn’t finding anything I was interested in.  So I decided to check out the “Alternative” section for …

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Grey’s Anatomy, Flashpoint, and Who knows how many others (I don’t – and this is why)

Why didn’t Bailey get the Chief of Surgery position? 

For the same reason Ed jokingly says to Greg, when he questions his rank, “Should I get you a dress?”—and they both laugh. 

Because in 2012 being a woman is (still) (STILL!) (STILL!) (STILL!) being subordinate.

I love that on …

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Swedish Cinemas using the Bechdel test!!

Check it out here!


[Hell Yeah, I’m a Feminist is a feminist blog, often radical feminist (radfem), always anti-gender and anti-sexism.]