Read this (takes a couple minutes) and your perceptions will be forever changed:
Aug 22
Read this (takes a couple minutes) and your perceptions will be forever changed:
Aug 20
Many men will wolf-whistle at any woman.*
So it’s not a special insult toward the woman in question (yes, men, wolf-whistles are insulting when they occur in everyday contexts—because they emphasize our sexuality when we’re trying to be seen for our personhood and our various competencies; it thus reduces us to sexual objects) (a wolf-whistle …
Jun 02
So I’m reading “Obviously, in an ideal world, men would not be sexual offenders … ” (“A Case for Feminist Self-Defence,” Thomas Nadelhoffer, The Philosophers’ Magazine 81) and I note the high bar: an ideal world. And well, we all know, we’ll never live in an ideal world, so, I guess that justifies, excuses, explains … …
Apr 10
“because male feelings are more important than women’s opportunities in sport …” Indeed.
Check it out:
because male feelings are more important than women’s opportunities in sport
Dec 22
The Last Man on Earth explains everything. But he’s too stupid, too infantile, and too self-centered, to know it. Which is exactly why he explains everything.
1. He enjoys knocking things over, breaking things, destroying things.
He rams his grocery cart into a pyramid of cans. He rolls bowling balls into a row of …
Dec 08
So I’m sure this has happened at least once to every woman. You’re standing in front of an elevator, waiting for it, and a man comes up and presses the button.
Oh is that what that’s for? I saw the button, with an upward-pointing arrow, and I understand that elevators go up, but you know, …
Dec 04
…all males had to have their DNA on file with the government.
…all newborns had to have their paternity established by law.
…all males discovered to be fathers had their wages garnished at the source to support the mother of the child for six years (assuming she would be the one to be with the …
Nov 08
The other day, I was walking on the gravel/dirt road I live on. It’s a back road that might see a dozen cars in a day. As one such car passed us, I noticed that a kid was at the wheel in dad’s lap. Proud dad, happy kid.
What is it with that? Why, of …
Jul 09
May 08
To all the men who let their mothers and wives do all the dusting, vacuuming, kitchen wiping, and bathroom scrubbing; to all the men who throw their garbage out of their cars and boats and ATVs and snowmobiles; and to all the men who ‘externalize’ the waste/disposal costs involved in doing (their) business — because …