“I was studying political science at the time, so I had never thought about social processes like misogyny and sexism.” What? What?
(from https://narratively.com/i-was-an-angry-mens-rights-activist-now-im-a-fierce-feminist/)
Apr 01
“I was studying political science at the time, so I had never thought about social processes like misogyny and sexism.” What? What?
(from https://narratively.com/i-was-an-angry-mens-rights-activist-now-im-a-fierce-feminist/)
Mar 18
Review copies of It Wasn’t Enough, a new novel by Peg Tittle, are now available! Please inquire: ptittle7@gmail.com
Here’s the blurb: What if one day, all of the women suddenly disappeared? Without what it is that women do, what it is that women are — what would happen?
The novel was inspired by a …
Mar 13
…[T] male-dominated gay liberation movement never really grasped how homophobia is rooted in the woman hating that is a fixture of male supremacy. Quite simply, the male homosexual is stigmatized because he is perceived to participate in the degraded status of the female …
The system of male supremacy requires gender polarity—with real men …
Mar 10
How many men are addicted to porn? We don’t know. There are no visible symptoms. No, that’s not true. The visible symptoms are what we call normal behaviour.
Mar 10
I am ashamed to be male.
We turn everything into a weapon.
We are obsessed with competing, with being better than not our previous selves, but others.
We enjoy hurting. We tear the legs off flies, we put firecrackers into dogs’ mouths, we attach electrodes to people’s genitalia.
We are unable to experience pleasure without …
Mar 01
Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women…
“It is my judgement in these things that when you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it, and you argue about what to do about it only after …
Feb 27
Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN!
And here it is (in case it disappears):
I’m a feminazi. I laugh at men, but not at their stupid jokes. I want to take away their porn—erm, sorry, I mean “free speech.” I won’t fuck them or flirt with them. I don’t find them interesting. I …
Feb 22
Check it out. https://francoistremblay.wordpress.com/2011/09/29/what-is-the-mens-rights-movement/
Thanks to Francois Tremblay.
Jan 29
In case anyone’s still watching 13 Reasons Why (and see my lengthy post at https://www.hellyeahimafeminist.com/13-reasons-make-movie-maybe-write-novel-without-acknowledging-elephant-room/) … Tyler’s getting raped is presented as SO MUCH WORSE than either Jessica or Hannah getting raped. OF COURSE.
Sep 06
“As Dale Spender points out in Women of Ideas, women’s theory has been routinely dismissed and written out of history whereas men’s ideas have been called philosophy or politics.1 In no instance is this clearer than in the case of the feminist philosophy of sex that we will be looking at here. The contempt with …