Category: men

What we say is very telling

Men are Not Broken by IceMountainFire

A must read:

Men Are Not Broken

Excellent piece re PIV

Well worth the read.

It’s not poverty, stupid.

Poverty is not the cause of crime. Because even when men have enough, they steal more, kill for more.

(Think of all those rich white CEOs running our planet, managing the banks, the oil companies, the logging companies …)

(And given that well over 90% of crime is committed by men, well, the cause …

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Brilliant Sarkeesian

“In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team. They’re the ball.” Anita Sarkeesian

Impact – review copies available!

Impact presents an extended confrontation between a sexual assault victim and her assailants, as part of an imagined slightly revised court process, in order to understand why they did what they did and, on that basis, to make a recommendation to the court regarding sentence.  It does not go … as expected.


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Did men invent this?

So I’ve been talking with my friend about the effect on the internet (and computers in general) of the overwhelming male influence (the high percentage of male ITers, coders, what have you) and simultaneously formatting the blog-comments sections of my forthcoming novel Gender Fraud: a fiction, and I realize the ‘reply’ design (widgets?) for comments …

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The Frightening Cluelessness of PoliSci Students

“I was studying political science at the time, so I had never thought about social processes like misogyny and sexism.”  What?  What?


It Wasn’t Enough (new feminist novel) – REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE

It Wasn't Enough

Review copies of It Wasn’t Enough, a new novel by Peg Tittle, are now available! Please inquire:

Here’s the blurb: What if one day, all of the women suddenly disappeared? Without what it is that women do, what it is that women are — what would happen?

The novel was inspired by a …

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Great stuff from Stoltenberg

…[T] male-dominated gay liberation movement never really grasped how homophobia is rooted in the woman hating that is a fixture of male supremacy.  Quite simply, the male homosexual is stigmatized because he is perceived to participate in the degraded status of the female …

The system of male supremacy requires gender polarity—with real men …

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