Category: men

Rereading Refusing to be a Man: essays on sex and justice, John Stoltenberg

Read this years ago, but thought I’d read it again as I hadn’t been able to afford to actually buy it back then …

Talking about how men typically behave, he says they “[disregard] completely the reality of anyone who is not fawning and flattering and full of awe for our masculine prerogative …” …

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The Pro-Life Position You Don’t Hear

The Pro-Life Position you Don’t Hear.

Male privilege

Excerpts from

“After returning to teaching, I started to receive very little, if any, pushback when I said no. This was especially the case with students. Within academia, it is not an uncommon belief that students make more requests (for grade changes, deadline extensions, and so on) of female-presenting professors. In my case, requests …

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from Jack Holland’s A Brief History of Misogyny

(All quotes are from Jack Holland’s A Brief History of Misogyny)

“It was a battle for the ultimate mechanism of control within a woman’s body—her reproductive cycle. For a woman, this right is the most crucial of all, and the key to achieving real autonomy.  Misogyn denies her autonomy; her subordination depends on the lack …

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“25 Ways I Was Granted White Male Privilege After I Transitioned…”

25 Ways I Was Granted White Male Privilege After I Transitioned – and Why ALL Men Must Speak Up Against Sexism A must-read.

We really need BOOKS about these experiences. Norah Vincent’s Self-Made Man and Kristen Schilt’s Just One of the Guys … MORE please!!

If men aren’t doing it, it’s probably not ’empowering’ or powerful.

Excellent point. Read Davina Squirrel’s whole piece here:

If the men are not doing it, probably not ’empowering’ or powerful

Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’?

Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’? Ya gotta wonder.

And here’s an interesting answer:

MacKinnon on street harassment …

“Unwelcome sex talk is an unwelcome sex act.  When threatening, severe, or pervasive enough, it works to exclude and segregate and denigrate and subordinate and dehumanize, violating human dignity and denying equality of opportunity.” Only Words, Catharine MacKinnon, p45

So good to put into words what’s so problematic about it! (It’s not just annoying, it’s …

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Davina Squirrel on needing male allies

“‘But we need male allies’ you cry in defence. Nope! We don’t. … ‘Male allies’ have had six thousand years or longer to get their shit together. They are from the ruling class after all, so have more impact than females. …” 


“All Men Need their Whores” Davina Squirrel

Great post:

All men need their whores

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