Category: men


[Note: this piece was written a while ago; hence the low figures!]

For those who think it’s no longer a patriarchal world and women are treated the same as men – you’re wrong.

And I am so tired, so very tired of my sex getting in the way of my life, making every little thing …

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“The Adult Market”

What’s adult about humiliating another person?

What’s adult about hurting another person?

What’s adult about forcing someone to do something she doesn’t really want to do?

What’s adult about doing sexual things to children?

We should call it what it is. The psychopathic sociopathic misogynist market. The sick fucks market.

(I’d intended to be more …

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How many times?

Men are incredibly selfish and irresponsible. Every time they have sexual intercourse without a condom, they prove it.

Because every time they have sex without a condom, they risk making someone else’s life a living hell for twenty years (that’s what it’s like to be a parent against one’s will). All for ten minutes of …

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You should do something about that.

Imagine a collage of male body parts (of living men, that is — just now their whole selves), each with one of the following captions:

Your legs are too hairy. You should do something about that.

Your hair’s too thin. You should do something about that.

Your butt droops. You should do something about that.

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Women’s Soccer Team Paid 4X less than Men’s Team DESPITE …

ESPN reports acknowledge that although the U. S. women’s soccer team generates almost $20 million more revenue than the men’s team, the women are paid almost four times less.

Source here.

re cathartic value of porn

re cathartic value of porn: “Does social work for the child-batterer consist of showing them pictures of parents torturing the children, with the children appearing to enjoy it — as a preventative measure?” from Masterpieces, Sara Daniels

The Default Male

“Why the Default Male is Not Just Annoying, But Also Harmful”

check it out at

We are tired. So tired.

“We are tired of being forced to see the world through [the heterosexual male gaze].” Missfit

Rape on campus…

“Rape on campus occurs with such alarming frequency that most colleges now incorporate sexual awareness training into their freshman orientation practices (apparently students not only must learn how to find their way around campus and how to use a library, but they must also learn how not to rape their classmates)” (Michael Kimmel, Guyland, p57-58).

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Why Do Men Seek Arousal?

So I’m reading Robert Jensen (Getting Off: Pornography and the end of masculinity), and he says porn is intended to provide sexual arousal.

Sexual arousal? Not sexual satisfaction?

If you’re not aroused in the first place, why would you intentionally try to get aroused?

Because then you’ll just have to find a way to deal …

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