Category: feminism

Making misogyny a hate crime — It’s about time!

Take a look: “Police in England and Wales consider making misogyny a hate crime”

It’s about time! Let’s see this WORLD-WIDE!!!

Boy Books

Boy books. You’re thinking The Boys’ Book of Trains and The Hardy Boys, right? I’m thinking most of the books I took in high school English.

Consider Knowles’ A Separate Peace. Separate indeed. It’s set at a boys’ boarding school. The boys are obsessed with jumping out of a tree. This involves considerable risk of …

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What if it were convention …

What if it were convention for men at the workplace to wear their shirts with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone, and to wear make-up that accentuated their jaw and cheek lines?

Would they start obsessing about the muscularity of their forearms? Would they get chest hair implants? Would they consider …

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“The Adult Market”

What’s adult about humiliating another person?

What’s adult about hurting another person?

What’s adult about forcing someone to do something she doesn’t really want to do?

What’s adult about doing sexual things to children?

We should call it what it is. The psychopathic sociopathic misogynist market. The sick fucks market.

(I’d intended to be more …

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How many times?

Men are incredibly selfish and irresponsible. Every time they have sexual intercourse without a condom, they prove it.

Because every time they have sex without a condom, they risk making someone else’s life a living hell for twenty years (that’s what it’s like to be a parent against one’s will). All for ten minutes of …

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Speaking Up

Women’s problem is that they never speak up. They never ask for what they want. Well, if you don’t tell people what you want, how do you expect to get it? Are they supposed to read your mind? You’ll spend your whole life waiting for someone to offer you, to invite you to, whatever it …

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Sticks and Stones

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

What an awful lie. It makes me wonder who started it.

Someone for whom words have no meaning? Someone who, therefore, says whatever will achieve the desired effect, regardless of the truth of the matter?

Someone who has few words? Someone for …

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WE’RE overly emotional, irrational, and angry. Right.

“It’s funny to me, because of how often I’ve been called overly emotional, irrational, and angry for my feminist writings. But you know what’s interesting? I’ve never threatened to physically harm anyone. I’ve never sent a death threat, not once.”

“If my wife will let me.”

“If my wife will let me.” That’s what Richard Branson said when he was asked whether he’d go to Mars. “It may be a one-way trip…. So maybe I’ll wait till the last ten years of my life, and then maybe go, if my wife will let me” (Klein, This Changes Everything, p.288). Does he …

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You should do something about that.

Imagine a collage of male body parts (of living men, that is — just now their whole selves), each with one of the following captions:

Your legs are too hairy. You should do something about that.

Your hair’s too thin. You should do something about that.

Your butt droops. You should do something about that.

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