How many men are addicted to porn? We don’t know. There are no visible symptoms. No, that’s not true. The visible symptoms are what we call normal behaviour.
Category: feminism
Mar 10
She wanted it.
She was dressed like a slut = She wanted it
She was dressed all prim and proper = She wanted it
She was aggressive = She wanted it
She was submissive = She wanted it
She ran = She wanted it
She didn’t run = She wanted it
She was afraid = She wanted it
Mar 01
Great bit from wwomenwwarriors
Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women…
“It is my judgement in these things that when you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it, and you argue about what to do about it only after …
Feb 27
Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN! (reblogged)
Let me tell you how much I HATE MEN!
And here it is (in case it disappears):
I’m a feminazi. I laugh at men, but not at their stupid jokes. I want to take away their porn—erm, sorry, I mean “free speech.” I won’t fuck them or flirt with them. I don’t find them interesting. I …
Feb 22
The Male Privilege Checklist
Check it out.
Thanks to Francois Tremblay.
Feb 22
“Unbelievable” on Netflix
A feminism-informed examination of rape from point of view of police (female) and, to some extent, victims (as interviewed).
Single series drama with eight episodes.
Passes the Bechdel test (and more) with FLYING COLOURS!!!
Jan 29
Postscript to 13 Reasons Why
In case anyone’s still watching 13 Reasons Why (and see my lengthy post at … Tyler’s getting raped is presented as SO MUCH WORSE than either Jessica or Hannah getting raped. OF COURSE.
Dec 29
Opposition to the practice of sexual intercourse
“Interestingly, these two women, Swiney and Elmy, made clear their opposition to the practice of sexual intercourse. This practice has become so sacred that it is almost impossible to imagine any serious challenge being made to it. What we have seen in the last hundred years is the total and compulsory enforcement of that sexual …