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- Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
- Short Men — 21 comments
- Arrogance, I think — 7 comments
- A Man Shaken by a Bomb — 5 comments
- Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 5 comments
Jan 23
The lack of contraception, and abortion when contraception fails, forces women to refrain from sexual intercourse, for few of us—mostly the naïve—would risk pregnancy, childbirth, and fifteen years of servitude for what is bound to be not even a few minutes’ pleasure.
So, men, note: withholding contraception, and abortion, ensures that any sexual intercourse in …
Jan 23
“Absent firm constitutional foundation for equal treatment of men and women by the law, women seeking to be judged on their individual merits will continue to encounter law-sanctioned obstacles.” p18
“At the very least the Court should reverse the presumption of rationality when sex -based discrimination is implicated and, rather than requiring the party attacking …
Jan 10
This should be required reading for all girls when they become able to reproduce and for all young women who think they want kids (probably because of tv and their friends who are similarly deluded about what will happen).
Jan 08
Jan 08
A great and courageous post. I was the same way and at the fork in the road left the guy who wanted kids. Haven’t looked back. (Never had them and am wonderfully happy doing and having done all the stuff I wanted.)
I wonder if this woman had a Caesarean. I’ve heard that that …
Jan 08
Good article, great movement, but does anyone else see the disjunct with the second picture?
Jan 08
Nice thread starting here:
Nov 15
I’ve recently discovered mhzchoice and am delighted by the number of tv shows featuring strong female leads: women who are not sexualized, let alone pornified (sometimes they’re not even pretty; sometimes they’re even old); women whose male colleagues–wait for it–help (without making it infantalizing) rather than complete and sabotage; women who are intelligent and competent.