Most commented posts
- Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
- Short Men — 21 comments
- Arrogance, I think — 7 comments
- A Man Shaken by a Bomb — 5 comments
- Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 5 comments
Feb 28
“If having children and grandchildren is so universally rewarding, why is it selfish to deny oneself the pleasure of parenting? If, on the other hand, bringing up children is an arduous task … why do [people] feel sorry for people who don’t do it”? (88)
“… the real objection to women who decide not to …
Feb 26
See article here at a great site for, of, men examining masculinity (it’s about time!).
Feb 24
“From no longer having to worry about being attacked on my way home at night, to being taken seriously when I talk (just because everyone assumes I was born with a penis), life’s a breeze compared to when I was living as female.” Why are trans men always left out of the conversation?
“It wasn’t …
Feb 23
Sometimes I feel like I haven’t grown up at all. I didn’t get married; I didn’t have kids; I didn’t fall into any kind of career path. Basically, I’m still doing what I did in my twenties: reading, writing, thinking, listening to music, and running/walking through the forest. In short, my passions haven’t changed.
But …
Feb 20
“By 2050 at the latest, and ideally before 2040, we must have stopped emitting more greenhouse gases [typically caused by the burning of fossil fuels] into the atmosphere than Earth can naturally absorb through its ecosystems (a balance known as net-zero emissions or carbon neutrality). In order to get to this scientifically established goal, our …
Feb 19
So I watched Star Trek: Picard, wherein he saves the day, and the future, for the creation of synthetic life. A surprising move for someone so … intelligent.
With respect to the creation of organic life …
1. We have not been able to control how many we create. Our planet can comfortably sustain 2-3 …
Feb 15
from Three, Annemarie Monahan
“How long did it take for you to realize that men as a class raped women as a class?”
“‘Women are just as bad as men.’ As bad as men? Tell me, if women act the same as men, where are the bodies piled? Where are the masses of men murdered …
Feb 10
In my novel Gender Fraud: a fiction, several people discuss the negative effect of gender recognition legislation on women’s sports (in a nutshell, it allows men to compete in women’s events and often they win … sponsorships, scholarships …) and one person suggests that sports should be categorized not by sex but, instead, by directly …
Feb 07
reposted from
Episode 1: The First War Begins. Scene 1: Cyberspace – probably around 2013
Trans activists: So hey, when we said we’d like you to treat us like women that wasn’t right, because actually, we ARE women and we demand that you treat us exactly like women because we are women and that you …