Most commented posts
- Bare Breasts: Objections and Replies — 27 comments
- Short Men — 21 comments
- Arrogance, I think — 7 comments
- A Man Shaken by a Bomb — 5 comments
- Why Do Men Spit? (and women don’t) — 5 comments
Mar 14
“Women have no rights, Don, except what men allow us. Men are more aggressive and powerful, and they run the world. …”
“Men and women aren’t different species, Ruth. Women do everything men do.”
“Do they?” .. She mutters something that could be “My Lai” and looks away. “All the endless wars …” Her …
Feb 23
So I watched American Tragedy (purporting to explain the American tragedy of school shooting) last night—actually I fast-forwarded through a lot because it was so superficial and, thus, boring, ignoring the elephants in the room.
1. As soon as a boy enters puberty, his body goes into testosterone overload and almost overnight, he sees females …
Feb 23
When we talk to/about men and condoms, we say ‘Use protection’, but when we talk to/about women about various options, we say ‘Use contraception’. The difference is NOT insignificant.
In the second case, we’re talking about preventing conception, about not becoming pregnant, about not becoming a parent.
In the first case, we’re talking about protection …
Feb 08
Feb 08
(Well, when you put it that way …)
Feb 08
Feb 08
Right. Because low global population levels are the problem. We need MORE people! We need to INCREASE our demands on our natural resources! Un-fucking-believable.
Feb 08
Copied my male colleagues’ email style and told I’m being rude byu/Afraid_Respect_3189 inwork
Feb 08