Jan 10
This should be required reading …
This should be required reading for all girls when they become able to reproduce and for all young women who think they want kids (probably because of tv and their friends who are similarly deluded about what will happen).
Jan 08
“I regret becoming a mother …”
A great and courageous post. I was the same way and at the fork in the road left the guy who wanted kids. Haven’t looked back. (Never had them and am wonderfully happy doing and having done all the stuff I wanted.)
I wonder if this woman had a Caesarean. I’ve heard that that way you don’t get the oxytocin that creates the bond. If that’s the case, we need to be talking about this. Women need to know it!!!
Jan 08
No Sex, No Dating, No Babies, No Marriage – GREAT!
Good article, great movement, but does anyone else see the disjunct with the second picture?
Jan 08
Why aren’t we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?
Nice thread starting here:
Nov 15
Recommended tv shows
I’ve recently discovered mhzchoice and am delighted by the number of tv shows featuring strong female leads: women who are not sexualized, let alone pornified (sometimes they’re not even pretty; sometimes they’re even old); women whose male colleagues–wait for it–help (without making it infantalizing) rather than complete and sabotage; women who are intelligent and competent.
The Bridge
Enemy of the People
Arctic Circle
Oct 22
Jaded, Ela Lee
Highly recommended!
A few impressive bits:
“I’m minded to pursue the current approach, given the sensitivities in this area, and reassess once we have greater visibility over how the strategy has been received,” Will spoke, baritone and authoritative.
“Urrrr,” Genevieve’s voice grumbled, … “is your Grand Plan of Action that you will carry on as usual and see what happens?”
Adele and I stifled snorts as Will stammered his way through her dressing down.
“You know, it’s so messed up he calls us girls,” she fumed … I trained for seven fucking years to be here.” [They’re both lawyers at a huge firm.]
“Ah! … But Sheryl Sandberg told us to LEAN IN! So, I guess we must be the problem?”
“You’re a young woman in the corporate world: some of these men see the fact of your existence as an offering.” p199
“So much of what is perceived to be ‘intelligence’ was Kit talking in a deep, male voice, being white and educated, and packaging up abhorrent views in grandiloquent, pretentious language. Men like Kit had been groomed from birth to speak the vernacular of success.”
Oct 03
Behind the Looking Glass
Behind the Looking Glass
Behind The Looking Glass is a film about the lives of women whose partners have ‘transitioned’ or want to ‘transition’. While we hear a great deal of “stunning and brave” stories of men, there is a deadly silence when it comes to the stories of the wives or partners. This film will be the first of its kind in collecting such experiences of women from around the world.
from the tireless, observant, and thoughtful Vashnavi Sundar